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How to install 7-Zip

Guide by Meowcat285

Step 1: Download 7-Zip

You can download 7-Zip at

Press the download button here:

7-Zip website with Download button highlighted


Unless you know that you are using 32-bit Windows, you should use the download button that is highlighted in the above image.

Step 2: Run the installer

Navigate to your downloads folder and run the downloaded file

7-Zip installer highlighted in File Explorer

Then select Install in the window that appears

7-Zip installer with Install highlighted

When it is done installing, select Close

7-Zip installer with Close highlighted

Step 3: Run 7-Zip

You can find 7-Zip in your start menu under the 7-Zip folder

Image of 7-Zip folder in the Start Menu

Go ahead and run it to make sure it works, if all is correct, you should see something like this:

7-Zip main window

Congrats! You have successfully installed 7-Zip!

Credits: Meowcat285